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Surviving the Storm

May 26, 2021

In this episode, you'll learn:

  • Life usually works out BETTER than our plans.
  • When we think we know what's best, we close ourselves off to the endless possibilities of what could be. 
  • When you're so fixed on an outcome, you miss out on the beauty that is the present moment. 
  • It boils down to trust- knowing that things will always work out in the end (this is not an invitation to be lazy, but to meet the Universe 1/2 way through your effort and then allow the space for her to do the rest.
  • We suffer because of our resistance. Life happens. Nothing is good or bad. It's our perception of reality that makes it so. 
  • Diving timing/sliding doors. Instead of getting frustrated that you made the wrong turn, maybe take it as a wink from God. 
  • No matter what happens- the good, the bad, and the ugly. Offer up gratitude for it all and stop at nothing to find the opportunity for growth that exists within it. 
  • It is the upsets that catalyze creativity. Through death, new life is born.
  • Our life can be greater than our imaginations. Yes, we are powerful beyond belief, but we will never measure up to the source from which we were created. You are a masterpiece, and things ARE going to work out in your favor. It's time to start living like it is.
  • When you step away from who you think you should be. From who everyone else has conditioned you to be, you can let go and become who you were meant to be. 
  • You often don't realize that you are playing small. That your ego is, in fact, your biggest overhead. 
  • When things don't go the way they "should," ask yourself who made those rules anyway. Sometimes the biggest fuckups lead to the biggest fuck yes moments.
  • Sometimes we're made for more than we give ourselves credit for, and then we get frustrated when things don't work out. The relationship, the job. In the moment, the cheating broke your heart- but it was because you weren't meant to be with that deadbeat anyway. The guy that came along after was WAY better. And if you haven't found him yet, stop stressing. Adjust your vibe. 



For more insight and inspiration on becoming radically fulfilled, follow me @stormybarbara on Instagram and be sure to check out